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Visions of a Seer

Writer's picture: Chloe KempChloe Kemp

Updated: Oct 4, 2024

For years, I denied my visions, insisting they were random or coincidental. Because most of them occurred during my dreams, it was easy to assume it was merely an exciting or surprising dream. Then the visions started happening while I was completely awake and individuals began identifying me as a Seer. 

When Eduardo Morales, the shamanic curandero I have worked with in Mexico, also called me a Seer, I decided to learn more. The dictionary describes a Seer as “one that sees; one that predicts events or developments; a person credited with extraordinary moral and spiritual insight.” Some describe Seers as “higher level psychics with the expanded and more evolved power of premonitions.” Seers may also be called oracles or visionaries. 

If you could discover what is coming in the future, would you desire to know? Some individuals hold the viewpoint that if your visions of the future are not entirely optimistic and upbeat, it is not advisable to disclose them, as it may generate unfavorable energy. I feel a responsibility to share the information. My visions are a gift from the Divine. I don’t request them—they simply appear.

As someone who has faith in the Divine as the messenger, I don’t perceive that receiving or sharing these visions with others generates negative energy. I see them as a gift from the Divine, with the intention I will use them to guide and prepare myself and others.

In my recent musing, “Silence Brings Clarity and Predictions for the Future,” I mentioned my visions have shown me that things will become much worse in our world by late fall. Many had the impression that I was talking about the November 4 election in the United States and assumed that if their candidate wins, everything will be fine. Sorry, the US elections are only one aspect of what might lead to significant upheaval. Worldwide problems, conflicts, and disasters will intensify. 


Hurricane Helene is a perfect recent example. As many continue to deny that Climate Change exists, we see Asheville, NC, and surrounding areas devastated by the storm. With an altitude of more than 2,000 feet and at least 300 miles from a coastline, this is not a place where one would expect a hurricane to have the ability to destroy it. 

This Asheville disaster hit me hard. I lived in Asheville for 12 years; my son still lives there. When I realized it was not a typical storm and could not contact my son, it was challenging to stay grounded and centered. I had to force myself to stop looking at the Asheville news and leave my house to be around some different energy. Fortunately, my favorite holiday was happening in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. I sat and watched a beautiful parade filled with amazing dancers, costumes, drumming, other percussion instruments, and lots of copal. Inhaling this wonderful experience, I experienced a greater sense of tranquility and focus. During the parade I received a Spirit Guide message, which served as a reminder that when my son truly needs me, he connects with my soul. 

The most extraordinary time this happened was when I was staying at a cabin my son knew nothing about. Around 3 am, I woke up, startled to see my son’s soul body standing in the bedroom doorway. I took a few moments to make sure I was fully awake and not dreaming. 

I asked him, “What are you doing here?”

He replied, “The Big One told me to come here.”

Understanding his words as alluding to a higher power, I found solace in the belief that he was being led by the Divine. With this idea, I went back to sleep, trusting that he was in excellent hands.

Since I had no cell service at the cabin, I went home early the following day. At precisely the same time my son’s soul body appeared at the cabin, he had called my house and left a voice message, telling me the house where he was staying had been robbed, and asking if I would help him move to Asheville.

When I got home from the parade on Saturday, there was a message from my nephew that he had reached my son. The message arrived at the same time I had the realization at the parade that my son would find a way to contact me. 

As these disasters and upheavals continue, staying calm, grounded, and centered can be challenging. I have faith that is one of the key reasons Spirit is bestowing me with the visions. You may not know the details of everything that is coming, but you can prepare yourself. My best suggestion for preparing yourself is to strengthen your spiritual life. Embracing spiritual practices can provide a sense of reassurance and guidance in these unsettling times.  

Get Your Toolbox Ready

  • Create a list of things that bring you comfort and keep you grounded and calm, and make sure you have easy access to them. 

  • Find and listen to sacred music that lifts and inspires you.

  • Experiment with percussion instruments to find which speaks to your soul. I have a shaker that I use to clear energy. 

  • Meditate. If you find it difficult, try some guided meditation. 

  • Journaling is a great way to explore your thoughts and feelings. Acknowledge what you are experiencing and then release it.

  • Pray every day. And when you are overwhelmed, pray throughout the day.

  • Breathe deeply and mindfully.

  • Eat well.

  • Consider adding some natural supplements that help with stress.

  • Get some crystals that offer protection. I wear jewelry with protective crystals because I want them to touch my body. At night, I remove my bracelets and put them on my bed to protect myself while I sleep. Here are some crystals that offer special protection:

    • Amethyst - protection, stress relief, clarity

    • Black Jade - protection from negative people and situations

    • Black Obisidan - removes negativity

    • Black Tourmaline - absorbs negative energy

    • Clear Quartz - helps to balance your emotions

    • Green Jade - helps release negative energy; enables you to stay grounded and calm

    • Hematite - shields you against negative energy

    • Malachite - absorbs negative emotional energy

    • Onyx - helps shield from negative energies and eliminates fears

    • Pyrite - provides a shield to protect you from negative influences and energies

    • Rhodonite - assists with emotional healing

    • Rose Quartz - attracts positivity, shields you from negativity

    • Selenite - good for bringing peace, clarity, and a calm state

    • Smoky Quartz - protects you from negative energy

    • Tigers’s Eye - protects your well-being 

    • Turquoise - enhances your empowerment and inner strength

  • Find your peeps now. It is essential to have at least a few people, or even just one person, who is on a similar path. The support you can provide for one another is incredibly strong. It is important to have support during troubling times.

I would love to hear how you are preparing for unsettling times. Or, share with us what tools you use to cope when you are having a difficult time. Opening up about your methods for managing stress can not only be helpful to others, but also cultivate a sense of connection and support during these challenging times.

Remember, even amid uncertainty, there is always hope. Let’s stay hopeful and positive as we navigate these unsettling times.

Peace, Blessings, Love, and Light.


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Oct 05, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I have very recently located to my ultimate place of peace and empowerment: Zihuatanejo, Mexico. My soul has lived here endless generations.

Answering, again, the calling to come here, live here, is the most important gift I could choose for myself at age 64.

My belongings were reduced to four suitcases, my laptop, and my remaining writing journals (over 100) and book writing and research materials in several packed boxes that will eventually make their way to me here.

I have locally made rose scented candles, my daily journaling, and the sounds of the sea, the birds, and the jungle to balance me. I swim and pray daily, deeply inhaling the delicious air. In just for days destiny has brought…


Oct 04, 2024

Sending many blessings, Chloe. 🎶🌹🎶


Oct 04, 2024

I realize many who read this will feel they already use all these tools. What I found when I was in the throes of learning the extent of what was happening in Asheville, is that it took me a while to get calm and centered. It was helpful for me to be reminded of all the tools I have to use.


Oct 04, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Sage, tuning forks, candles, journaling, crystals and my friends are my tools.

Thank you for the post


Oct 03, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thanks, Chloe!

Susan Robards

Image by Xan Griffin

Divine Companions: Spirit Guides

Are you aware that Divine companions surround you all the time? They are there, doing their best to guide and keep you safe. Before you were born this lifetime, Spirit chose them to accompany you through your lifetime, from the moment of your first breath, until your last.

What is a Spirit Guide?

These highly evolved beings have completed the cycle of birth and death in the physical plane and are now serving as teachers and guides to elevate their vibrations further. They are as “real” as you are, but they vibrate at another level and live in another plane of existence.

Usually, Spirt Guides reach you through your dreams and intuition. That quiet voice you hear is often the voice of your teachers and guides. They may also make themselves known through repetitive signs and symbols; they use these to get your attention, so you can discover what they are trying to tell you.

When my Spirit Guides have difficulty getting my attention, they often resort to causing me some physical challenges. The physical problems disappear as soon as I recognize my Guides are trying to reach me, and I understand the message and lessons they are bringing me.

You can have more than one Spirit Guide. I have several, and new ones continue to show up. I trust their process; they are always bringing me guidance and lessons to assist me on my spiritual path.

Some people have archangels and angels as spirit guides. Remember, having an angel appear does not always mean they are your Spirit Guides. Angels can be called in times of distress to assist you for a short time.

Identifying your Spirit Guide

They are always with you, whether you acknowledge their presence. If you want to understand who your guides are, just ask. Start by getting in a quiet meditative space and ask that they reveal themselves to you. Beings from the spiritual realm often communicate through signs and symbols.


Once you ask, you must trust your wisdom. Pay attention to the pictures that appear in your mind. You might see a Native American, a Buddhist monk, or nothing at all. Keep your mind and intuition open. Also, notice if signs, symbols, or messages continue to come up after you ask them to reveal themselves.


Working with your Spirit Guides is a fantastic personal and spiritual growth tool. They dwell in a higher vibrational plane and bring lessons and guidance from other dimensions. You can also ask your Spirit Guides to assist you in physical healing. Before you go to sleep, ask that they do healing work on you.

Life is so much more than what we see. Open your spiritual eyes and hearts, and you will discover a world of wisdom, beauty, and peace you never knew existed. Raise your vibration and allow the beautiful gifts of Spirit to wash over you.

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