“Every experience written by Chloe in her spiritual memoir has a healing purpose. She shares processes for healing in the physical, emotional and spiritual realms, showing us our ability to use all levels of energy to achieve deep and lasting healing. Chloe reveals to us the importance of connection —with the spiritual world, physical world, and our past lives to the present. She reminds us we are essential in the Universe; when we heal, our loved ones, people around us, and the Earth also heal. Chloe shows why it is important to be connected to both the elements of earth and the elements of the cosmic world. She shares how she uses physical, emotional, and spiritual healing energy to free herself from struggle and trauma. Chloe inspires us to do the same thing. Well done. I appreciate it very much. This book is truly for everyone.” —Eduardo Morales, Shamanic Curandero, Tepoztlán, Morelos, Mexico

“Chloe’s heartfelt journey is the real deal here to inspire us all. Showing us the power of spiritual healing and the connection between the challenges we are faced with and how those are here to awaken us to our greatness. She takes the reader on a journey of darkness to light, struggle to freedom, fear to love. Thank you, Chloe, for this incredible ride. A must-read for all who want true transformation.” —Dr. Shannon South, Award-Winning Therapist, Best-Selling Author, and Founder of the Ignite Your Life and business programs

“Having met and worked with Chloe personally, I know she is a genuine woman with a mission and clear determination to fulfill her purpose in this life. She has followed the call from Spirit to not only share stories from her life and wisdom she has gained, but to weave energies and express a frequency of consciousness that has a way of bringing her reader to a deeper state of awareness and potency upon their own unique journey. Chloe's book shines a light on our ability to reconnect with the origin of what makes us each a special part of the Divine plan.”—Michael Brasunas, Holistic Energy Healer

“WISDOM KEEPER is filled with wonderful personal experiences on the power of healing, visualizations, dreams, and listening to our inner voices. Chloe Kemp describes encounters with others on a multitude of levels, including sacred beings, shamans, and other deep-souled humans. This book inspires the reader to go deep within themselves and invite their own personal self-healer to emerge. Chloe helps us to understand that anything is possible.”-River Guerguerian, World Renown Musician, Composer, Educator and Sound Immersion Healer