When was the last time you did something you weren’t sure would be worth doing? I had this experience a few months ago. Having heard fantastic things about the Monarch Butterfly Sanctuaries in Mexico, I was still on the fence about arranging transportation and a guide. When my son visited me, he said his biggest priority was seeing the Monarch Sanctuary, so we went.
The entire experience was a fantastic lesson in surrendering and trusting Spirit. We were speechless when my son and I arrived at the top of the mountain and saw the butterflies. Little tears of Divine Joy rolled down our cheeks as we took in this impressive, miraculous display of nature at its finest. I loved their beauty, but the most significant impact on me was the butterflies’ willingness and cooperation to surrender every year to this migration experience. What a beautiful example of agreeing to participate for the greater good of all.
It would be lovely to see that same willingness in the human realm. Our world has become so divided, with each side demanding their way is the best choice. Very little cooperation happens between opposing sides. I fantasize about making world leaders come to a butterfly sanctuary and stay there until they see we are all truly connected to each other and to the world.
It is estimated over 500,000 North American monarch butterflies migrate to Mexico every year. Some fly almost 3,000 miles to reach Mexico. The monarch butterflies have been around for nearly two million years. Some believe the Monarch’s migratory patterns are the most highly developed of similar species.
Watching the multitude of butterflies, safe in their sanctuary, brought me to a profound spiritual place. They weren’t questioning if they should be there; the butterflies were all playing their role. It takes four generations of butterflies to complete the migration each year, a perfect system that has been going on for years.
How can we embody the lessons the monarch butterflies give us?
Spiritually, butterflies represent rebirth and transformation. They have the characteristics of endurance, strength, trust, and evolution.
Cooperation: Is it easy for you to cooperate with others? Do you hold out until you get everything you want? Or, are you more likely to find solutions so that more people will join you? If the world is going to make it, we must cooperate. Practice cooperation whenever you can.
Surrender: Do you always want to have your way? Can you soften and lean into different ways of seeing and doing things?
Trust: Believe all is well. Know that Spirit has your back. Let your Spirit Guides know you want them in your life.
Willingness: Take a deep breath. Inhale the energy of letting go; exhale controlling energy. Continue this breathing exercise until you don’t have any resistance to let go of your attachments for a specific outcome.
If you can’t make it to Mexico to visit one of the Monarch sanctuaries, be open to finding other miraculous opportunities to experience. Spiritual and life lessons are everywhere.