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Updated: Jun 9, 2024

A few months ago, I created a Silent Retreat for myself. Except for a few days hanging out with a new friend in Zihuatanejo, I rarely spoke during the two winter months I stayed at the beach. It was an extraordinary experience. By silencing myself, I heard everything more clearly. It was as if I was resetting or rebooting my life, clearing out the chatter that no longer served my highest good.

Being silent heightens your other senses. It puts you in observer mode—watching, listening, feeling, absorbing. The more you stay quiet, the more clarity you receive.

My silence profoundly enhanced my spiritual connections. More messages and guidance are coming from the Spirit world. Most are prophetic information.

Sometimes, extreme messages from Spirit can make you question them. During my two-month silent sabbatical, I woke up one morning with a direct Spirit message: "You need to get hip replacement surgery. There will be a time in the near future when you cannot get medicine or supplements. Later, medical services like surgery will not be available."

My honest first reaction to that message was: "This message seems extreme. I'll need some time to reflect on it." Two days later, the supplemental insurance company I had used for years was hacked. It completely shut down its system. No one could access medicine or get medical and hospital services approval. Although the company recovered within a week, seeing what might happen on a bigger scale was frightening. Any doubts I had about my Spirit message vanished. Clearly this was not an anomaly--another United States insurance company that services 22 states was also recently hacked, affecting their ability to authorize services or medicine.

Why were my Spirit Guides telling me to get a hip replacement?

In February 2023, my son and I visited one of the monarch butterfly sanctuaries in Mexico. We rented horses to take us to the top of the mountain. When I swung my left leg over the horse, I screamed in pain. By the time we reached the top of the hill, I could barely walk.

After a visit to an orthopedic surgeon, I found out my left hip had no cartilage; it was bone on bone. He suggested surgery, which I rejected. If I had to resort to that, I first wanted to learn the lessons my hip was bringing me.

With the help of a friend, we identified some key lessons. I have been straddling the 3-D world and other spiritual dimensions for quite some time. Part of that was an old pattern of mine to try to "fit in" with the 3-D world. I decided to become a cleaner vessel by quitting meat, poultry, and alcohol. Over time, I observed other changes. As time passed, I became less interested in participating in social activities and began receiving more spiritual guidance.

I got a second opinion and some natural treatments for my hip from a holistic doctor. He said if I didn't see any improvement within a month, he would recommend surgery. I continued seeking my lessons and trying other natural remedies.

Until the recent spirit message I received about having hip surgery, I was managing my hip. However, I could see my future self regretting it if I did not get the surgery now and later not being able to have that choice.

As I prepared for surgery, I received more confirmation about the Spirit message. After only six days of stopping my inflammatory medicine and the extra supplements I had been using to help my hip, there was a massive increase in my pain, and I was walking with a noticeable limp. I was shocked to see how quickly things changed. The night before the surgery, I was in so much pain I had to hold onto furniture and walls to be able to walk. I realized my Spirit Guides were showing me my future if I didn't follow their guidance.

Find the silver linings

No matter what challenges you experience — physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual — there is a silver lining. At the beginning of a healing crisis, it may feel unimaginable that the crisis could bring you a gift. Please don't rush the process; lean into it, trusting the gift will reveal itself in Divine timing.

I received numerous gifts from this recent experience. One of the most precious has been my extraordinary nurturing, healing, and bonding time with my son. Having seen me thrive as a strong, independent woman all his life, now my son was faced with stepping up to help take care of me during my surgery and recovery. Switching roles, I surrendered to my vulnerability, and he became the strong one. Spending lots of time together after the surgery created a safe place for longer and deeper conversations. As I witnessed this powerful transformation emerging in my son, old hurts and wounds melted away. We have seen each other in a new light, bringing a deeper and more connected relationship.

Surrendering to your spiritual guidance can be challenging

Following the guidance of this Spirit message was a huge challenge for me. I had been able to function reasonably well with my hip for over a year, with no desire to have surgery. It became a delicate dance between the ego and the soul. My ego wanted to continue with what was working, while my soul instinctively knew I would regret not honoring and following this Spirit message.

I also realized surrendering to this message meant acknowledging that more darkness is coming into our world. Since 2009, I have received visions showing the world in extreme turmoil. The energy around this is escalating. My message about the hip surgery was that I needed to do it sooner rather than later, explicitly telling me to do it before late fall.

Recently, I met three people in the U.S. with the same awareness of what is coming into our world. Their ages ranged from mid-thirties to early seventies. One was on a spiritual path; the other two surprised me. The first was a woman in her mid-fifties I met in a store. When our conversation drifted into talking about the future, I noticed we had similar visions but were using different words to describe it. She came from a Christian apocalypse view; I saw it from a mystical shamanic multidimensional view. Yet we saw the same chaos and timing. The third woman was in her late '60s and saw things from a political and historical viewpoint. We all saw things will get significantly worse by late fall.

When these three unrelated, disparate encounters all revealed the same timeline and chaos coming, I felt a nudge to share this information. However, I received a clear message that I was only to warn that darkness and chaos were coming, not the details I have seen.

There is still a part of me that wants to pretend that everything is fine. Seeing and hearing about a future that could be filled with darkness and not allowing this to overwhelm you is a delicate balance. You can be in a state of positivity and also acknowledge the observation that there is darkness in the world.

I am choosing to refrain from making statements like, "There isn't much point in making long-term plans," although I am mindful of any energy and resources I devote to projects beyond November. I keep the intention and desire that the Light will prevail and prevent the dark outcomes.

Encounters with dark energy

The battle between Light and Dark is increasing. I was in pure bliss when I returned home after my two-month silent sabbatical at the beach. Unfortunately, I returned to a great deal of chaos. Spirit was using the chaos as a way to get my attention.

In April, the night before the April 8 eclipse, I had a horrific nightmare. It has been almost 50 years since I had a nightmare. I woke myself up screaming. In the dream, I could not turn on the light. Later, I realized it was about me helping people find and turn on their spiritual Light. The frightening part of this dream was about what could come to our world if enough people don't awaken.

While recently staying in a rental house in Asheville, NC, I smelled gas in the kitchen twice. Upon examining the stove, I noticed one of the burners had been turned to the 'low' position—not enough to ignite the flame, but enough to result in a gas leak. Even more alarming was that I had not used the stove since my arrival.

The second time I smelled gas, I was feeling very sleepy. I took a nap, fell into a deep sleep, and had difficulty waking up. When I realized how tired I was, I thought I would continue sleeping. Thank goodness Spirit gave me a nudge to get up. As soon as I got to the kitchen, I smelled gas. There is no way I bumped up against the stove and caused the gas to come on. The knob on the burners requires you first to push it in before you can turn on the gas.

I believe these strange things are Spirit's urgent way of getting my attention. It is a powerful reminder to 'stay awake' and not sink into wishful thinking. They are a potent reminder to stay grounded and calm while staying alert to the changes moving forward in our world. We are heading toward exceedingly dark times. Now is the time to strengthen your connection to the Spirit world, deepen your spiritual practice, open your heart, and listen to your intuition.

My preparation for the future is to continue deepening my connections with the Spirit world. If and when things fall apart, I will remain open to how I can best serve Spirit.

Eventually, help will come from other dimensions. Engaging with me or my book will aid in your comprehension of current events. Read (or reread) Chapter 27: The Rescue Team Arrives.

In Peace, Love, and Light 🙏🏻


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Writer's picture: Chloe KempChloe Kemp

In December 2023, I started noticing a change in energy around me. After three weeks of silence, I realized that part of the change is a better understanding of how, when, and why people communicate.

My preference is to remain in the present moment. When I repeat stories, it keeps me in the past. It is exhausting to keep recounting the same stories.

Another problem with repeating your stories is that it keeps the story's energy and what happened alive. You may want to keep it alive if it is a beautiful memory. What about negative memories — do you want to keep reliving them?

If you can fully let go, release, and heal from your negative experiences, there will not be an urge or need to continue to talk about them. Be aware of the difference between telling your story so you can release and heal from it versus repeating it to justify your thoughts, feelings, and actions about it.

Listening to a negative story affects you energetically. Recently, I was at the beach reading. A man approached the couple near me and started telling a long, detailed story about all the trials and tribulations he had been having with his adult son. Unintentionally, I could hear everything despite not attempting to listen. Rather than move, I realized this would be an excellent opportunity to check my energy as he continued his sad tale. I could perceive and experience the dark energy swirling around. The heaviness of his words permeated everything. He did not seem to be seeking help. I had sympathy for his friends, who were listening and nodding their heads. What was the point of his story beyond dumping on his friends? It changed nothing with his son; he didn't walk away with new ideas on how to deal with him. Following his conversation, I experienced a profound sense of exhaustion.

I understand that sometimes, we experience a need to vent. It is best to ask the person if it is okay to share something bothering you. Make it clear what you want and need. Are you hoping for advice?

Is it simply a desire to be seen, heard, and understood? Can they share a similar experience that might give you an idea about how to handle things in the future?

If you are not up to having a conversation, be clear and compassionate. "I'm sorry. I cannot help you with that issue right now." You can suggest another time to talk. Or, if it is not a discussion you want to have later, permit yourself to say "No."

Understanding that you can say "no" allows you to step back and evaluate how and with whom you share your energy. It could be a temporary 'no' — "I don't want to talk about that right now." Or, maybe you never want to have a particular conversation — "I'm sorry, I am not available to discuss that with you."

It is up to us to determine which conversations and people fill you up rather than drain you. My recent experience of being silent has helped me listen more closely to the wisdom of my Spirit Guides. I am very grateful to be reminded that we all have a choice to participate in conversations with others. I will be saying 'no' more often in my personal life.

What are your thoughts about managing draining people and situations?

Peace & Blessings,


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I am considered an integrative healer—I take a holistic approach, which includes physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

When I do healing work, I tap into memories of ancient, powerful healing techniques I have used in my past lives. I need to surrender and trust my Divine guidance to use these gifts to their full potential. During my healing work, I get my 3-D ego out of the way so that the information flows to me in its purest form.

One of my gifts is the ability to find the reasons behind the problem. From a spiritual viewpoint, most issues and challenges bring us lessons and gifts. Uncovering the more profound messages opens the door to deep healing.

When I begin a healing session, first, we discuss the client’s intentions. We also talk about what has been going on in their life. I often get a robust, intuitive hit from a word they mention. Many times, one word is enough to lead me to the ultimate cause of their current condition, and then I can clear the trauma and release it from their energy field.

Like many healers, I have had physical, emotional, and spiritual issues that needed healing. A week ago, I had a severe fall and saw it as an opportunity to share transparent and thorough information about my healing process.

Patience, Surrender, Faith, and Trust

With my healing work, everything is in Divine timing. My Spirit Guides show me what I need to see to best help my client. The Guides select the time and the area that needs healing if multiple issues require attention. Healing can be a sudden miracle or a gradual process addressing different layers contributing to the problem.

Healing from my recent fall has been a collaborative effort between my gifts, an excellent medical doctor, and a fantastic caregiver. Even though I was in tremendous pain after the fall, I quickly started receiving Spirit messages.

Sometimes, we don’t realize miracles are happening until later. Looking back, I am in awe of the angels who showed up to help me with the accident.

Gifts and Lessons from the Accident

I was taking my dog on a short walk before I met some friends for dinner. San Miguel de Allende has many cobblestone roads and sidewalks. I do my best to stay mindful when walking, looking for holes or uneven ground. Unfortunately, I did not notice an enormous gap in the sidewalk; I tripped and fell, landing on the street.

Angel # 1 appeared as a car approached me while I fell. My thought when I saw it was that it might run over me. Instead, it reached me right as I landed on the street. My back hit the side of the car, which stopped the fall. Initially, I thought the miracle was that I didn’t get run over by the vehicle. According to the doctor who examined me, the most significant thing about my body hitting the car was that it prevented me from hitting my head on the pavement, which could have been fatal.

Angel # 2 appeared as a friend I had not spent time with for a long time. I didn’t have my phone when I fell, so I wasn’t able to call anyone or access Google Translate. I speak enough Spanish to meet my needs but not to discuss medical issues. The pain was too unbearable to walk. After continuous attempts at walking, a person called a cab for me, and three people had to help get me in the car. I only knew three locations I could direct the taxi to find without being able to give them an exact address. The 2nd person (Angel # 2) was home and agreed to help. He carried me into his house, checked for bruises and swelling, fed me, and let me and my dog spend the night. I realized that night that one of my lessons from this fall was to get me to surrender to my vulnerability and ask for help more easily. A trip to the hospital ER revealed no broken bones the following day.

On the second evening, the person who promised to feed me and walk my dog after my accident did not show up. I felt stressed and overwhelmed. It forced me to reach out and ask for more help. I called a friend, who quickly came over. I also reached out to strangers with an URGENT post that I needed help because I could not take care of myself. The outpouring from strangers was heart-warming. Many gave recommendations for caregivers and doctors. Some continued staying in touch with me, offering their support. I felt seen, loved, and supported.

Three days later, Angel # 3 appeared. Having struggled with debilitating multiple sclerosis for 14 years before it was removed from my body, I became used to not feeling well. I was still having excruciating pain from the fall and could not walk. A friend came over to check on me. When she witnessed my pain and inability to move, she suggested we find a doctor to see me.

It reminded me of the time when I had been experiencing vaginal bleeding at age 65 but had not seen a doctor. A friend arrived to take me on some errands. Like my friend here in San Miguel, she took one look at me and said, "I am taking you to the doctor." Two days later, I am sitting with a gynecologist as he tells me my test results, medical history, and exam show a high probability of ovarian and uterine cancer. Angels can speak through people, especially in an urgent situation.

Since I was immobile from the fall, my San Miguel de Allende friend found a General Practitioner MD who does house calls. The doctor came to my house, did a thorough exam, and gave me new medicine and healing instructions.

Angel # 4 appeared as my new caregiver nurse. After four days, she told my doctor she thought I was ready for simple stretching, exercises, massaging the wounded areas, and switching from ice to heat. After incorporating those into my routine for one day, I could walk using a walker for the first time in a week.

A friend helped me understand that although it was stressful for the 1st caregiver to flake out on me and my dog, it was a blessing. It led me to my current caregiver, who has been instrumental in my healing. The other person did not have those skills, nor would she have the confidence to tell the doctor that it was time to add new things to my healing regime.

Now that I am through the ‘crisis’ portion of this accident and have more mental, emotional, and physical energy, I am doing regular energy healing on myself. I have complete confidence that I will have a full recovery. Am I disappointed I did not have an instant healing? No, not all. Spirit is healing me perfectly, allowing me to release things that don’t serve me while embracing healthier ways that align with my spiritual self.

So grateful for the lessons and gifts I received about graciously asking for and receiving help. I am now more comfortable leaning into my vulnerability and allowing others to help. I no longer need to create a situation that will force me to vulnerable.

I would love to hear your comments about your healing experiences or questions about my healing work.

Peace, Love, & Light


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