Photo by SacredFusion, Kazuhiro Tomi
Remote Healing Worldwide
In-Person Healing
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico & Other Locations Chloe Visits
Intuitive Shamanic Energy Healing
Energy Alignment Phone Call
Life Coaching
You don't have to suffer with MS
or other autoimmune diseases
for the rest of your life.
When I had MS I was so sick, it would have been impossible for me to write my WISDOM KEEPER memoir. During the 14 years I was very sick with MS, I never went into remission. I went from having crippling fatigue, pain, speech and balance issues, and major cognitive issues so significant I had to use charades because I could not think of simple words like “broom” and “sweep” -- to becoming an award- winning best-selling author. I share my story in hopes that I can inspire, motivate, and help people with MS and other autoimmune illnesses.
I tried numerous alternative healing modalities, and did lots of personal work on myself. People started noticing I seemed to be getting better. Fast forward to December 2018, when my MS was completely removed. I have been MS-free for almost 6 years!
Medical Intuitive, Catherine Carrigan, host of the UK Healing Radio Show, interviews author and healer, Chloe Kemp, about an integrated approach to healing Multiple Sclerosis and other problems
Life Coaching - for those of you who don’t want an intuitive shamanic energy healing, or prefer more traditional ‘talk' Chloe is now offering Certified Life Coaching. Each session will be one hour. Beginning packages start with a commitment of three sessions.
Energy Alignment Phone Call - a soothing 30-minute call designed to recalibrate your energy, ensure your progress is on track, and provide support as you continue your healing process. (Available for Life Coaching and Intuitive Shamanic Energy Healing Clients).
Intuitive Shamanic Energy Healing Price Increase beginning in 2025. Consider investing in yourself with a 3 or 6 healing package and save up to 20%. You can use some of the sessions as gifts to others, as long as they are used during the allotted time.
- Purchase 3 sessions: SAVE 10% (must use sessions within 6 months)
Purchase 6 sessions: SAVE 20% (must use sessions within 12 months)
Sesiones de sanación por Chloe
Chloe ofrece curación de energía chamánica intuitiva que utiliza sus recuerdos de vidas pasadas de técnicas de curación antiguas.
Ella trabaja con sus Guías Espirituales para brindar sanación energética emocional, física, mental y espiritual.
Durante la sesión, Chloe permanece en estado de trance, aprovechando otras dimensiones y el mundo de los espíritus.
Si Espíritu tiene información sobre la vida pasada de un cliente, Chloe recibe sensaciones y visiones, lo que le permite ver personas, lugares y experiencias de la vida pasada. Con frecuencia, la energía estancada que causa problemas en esta vida implica la muerte de una persona en una vida pasada. Chloe volverá a experimentar tu muerte por ti, limpiando y liberando toda la energía que ya no te sirve si sus Guías Espirituales determinan que es necesario limpiar una vida pasada.
Chloe también equilibra tus chakras y realiza un trabajo adicional en cualquier área física, emocional o espiritual que sus guías espirituales consideren necesaria.
Posteriormente, Chloe ayuda a sus clientes a procesar la experiencia.
How to Book an Intuitive Shamanic Energy Healing
Session Appointment with Chloe
Healing sessions last 1-1/2 hour.
Please keep in mind the issues you want Chloe to work on when deciding how many sessions to book. Although there can be spontaneous miraculous healings, if it is a significant issue you have been struggling with for a long time, it is recommended to book several sessions.
Even though Chloe has experienced numerous miraculous healings, usually she had been working on the issues for years.
For example, her MS was completely removed (and has not come back), after 14 years of alternative healing and inner work.
When her doctor told her he thought she had uterine and ovarian cancer, she did an intense 3 weeks of 7 alternative healing sessions with her favorite healers.
When her internist found a large lump in her breast, Chloe quickly scheduled sessions with 3 of her favorite healers. Two of those healers had seen the lump hovering around her right breast for at least 5 years. This ended up being a quick miraculous healing. Within 1 day, the lump completely disappeared.
Chloe kept the extreme trauma she experienced when she was three hidden from herself for over 50 years. After moving to Asheville, two different professional body workers felt her right calf, telling her that something very traumatic was still stuck in her body from when she was three. The actual healing sessions to see and process what happened only took one session.
Every one of the healing miracles Chloe has experienced has been permanent, including the one where she announced right before surgery, “I am done.” At that moment all the trauma was released and the tumor and endometriosis disappeared and never returned.
Although it can take more than one session, I have had several clients who have reported life-changing results with healing their issues in just one session. For example, a person had been struggling with depression for over a year. After one session with Chloe, it was gone.
The healing process depends on you showing up with an open mind, ready to do your own inner work. Chloe and her Spirit Guides will probably be assigning homework. You faithfully doing your homework aids in the healing process, as it helps you to change and release old unhealthy patterns.
When my healing clients show up with Open Minds, sincerely ready to Surrender to the process, the healing turns into a deeply profound Sacred experience for everyone.
Testimonios de sanación
"I can honestly say my life has changed for the better in a blink of an eye. I can not begin to express how grateful I am to you for giving me the tools I’ve been looking for my whole life. My session with you was amazing. You were point on, for the answers to the “why” I’ve been feeling certain things and experiencing the betrayal of people I consider friends, which was very insightful. My experiences of death from a very early age have never been explained until your session. It all makes perfect sense to me now. Getting answers to the “why” questions was the turning point for me. I’ve always felt that we are in actuality all things tied together. We are or have been either evil and good or combinations of both. We return life after life to learn these lessons from both sides of the Yin and Yang and to understand and raise our vibrations. I have been following your advice and doing the work you suggested, and am feeling much better. The anger outbursts have all but stopped and the few times it bubbles up I recognized it for what it is and why it came up again so I can reverse my feelings and actions. "—P.S., San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
“You are a true healer. I always feel blessed to be in your presence; you continually remind me of the Divine.
Chloe, thank you for the healing session. I definitely felt a shift during and after our session and there’s no doubt it had something to do with the positive results I received at my doctor’s appointment. Every little touch — from the music, crystals, rattle, feather, and even the cards for affirmations afterwards — created such a safe and sacred place for me. You are a beacon of light and love.” —K.M., USA
“Prior to working with Chloe, I’d always been curious about my past lives. While I’d had sessions with shamans, psychics, and energy healers, I’d never worked with anyone who is able to tap into past lives. Although I knew there was no guarantee that Chloe would be able to access anything about my past, my intuition told me to give it a go - and I’m so glad I did. My sessions with Chloe cleared energy blocks and provided valuable insights about my past (and present) that have helped me to better understand myself and my purpose in the present. She is a gifted healer and I’d highly recommend her to anyone."—DM, Digital Nomad
“I had two extraordinary sessions that opened up my soul secrets that I always felt but couldn’t pull together. Chloe opened the doors. and opened my heart. I lost my fear of physical abuse and allowed my vulnerability to be honored and blessed. Thank you Chloe. You have been a gift to me. I knew when I read your book before the sessions my life would be altered.”—Artist, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
“La intensa sanación que recibí de Chloe me ayudó a abrirme a los traumas y al dolor de vidas pasadas y a despejar el karma para que mi vida actual pueda progresar sin seguir cargando con las cargas del pasado. Me siento más ligero y libre para continuar mejor el viaje de esta vida como Trabajador de la Luz. Me sentí rodeada por una luz dorada sanadora. En los días y noches posteriores, experimenté vívidos sueños y visiones que me ayudaron a procesar el dolor del pasado y me prepararon para el trabajo que estaba por venir. Recomiendo encarecidamente esta experiencia de sanación a cualquiera, especialmente a todos los Trabajadores de la Luz, Semillas Estelares e Índigos”.
— CP, Enfermera Registrada
"Chloe radiates soothing energy. She demonstrates clearly the ability to communicate with Spirits. She heals, encourages and speaks from her heart. I am grateful to have met her and to witness her abilities empirically."—K.H., San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
“Wow! Your ability to tap into my past life and clear the stabbing wound literally feels like you removed a knife from my stomach! I feel like I just had an amazing, empowering energy transformation. Thank you for providing a relaxing and safe environment for my energy soul healing. I am amazed that you could channel such powerful energy. I feel like I can now understand and move past my karmic struggle in that lifetime." —A.J. USA
"You are an amazing human and Sage/Seer/Healer. I am honored to be in your presence. Your work with me is priceless. You have been a Godsend and such an enormous gift. I treasure the lessons you have taught me and cherish our time together. Your connection to Spirit is unlike any other I have experienced. There is no one else like you. You give us all tender loving care as well as spiritual healing and wisdom. May you always be loved and blessed for your spiritual guidance, gifts, compassion, and nurturing heart." - Jeanne Ellis, San Miguel de Allende /USA
"What a profound, life-changing experience! Of all the spiritual experiences I have had, my healing session with Chloe is at the top of the list. I was a bit skeptical that it could be impactful considering we were doing it virtually, but it was SO incredibly powerful that I will never doubt again. She told me things about my past lives that align so perfectly with my current lifetime. There’s no way she could have known those things about me, but as soon as she spoke the words, a river of tears flowed from my eyes – my soul was recognizing itself in the past, present and future. I am now living more fully expressed, more authentically, not holding anything back; I am confident in my abilities and am leaving behind a doubt. Chloe opened my eyes to the fact that my intuition is powerful and I only needed to stop doubting myself. Her myriad of messages reminded me of who I am and have always been – a healer. It is a deep knowing that was truly rooted in my past lives. I only needed to be reintroduced. It was like coming home to myself. To the ME that has been waiting with arms outstretched. I received my previous incarnations like a warm blanket. It enveloped me with the understanding and agreement to move forward and continue the work I had done for so many lifetimes. I have found the sacred in my everyday life and I have Chloe to thank for that. And that was only one session, I am so excited for all the future holds for us all." —Graciela Laurent Valdes, USA
“You have a heart of gold. Your work has really helped me see deeper within my own world to enjoy the next chapter in my life. Thank you for being the light and guide during a very difficult time in my life. Your healing story and journey is an inspiration for me to keep moving forward. I hope God continues giving you all the healing and loving energy within for you to continue to share your divine gift with others. I look forward towards reading your book when things settle. Thank you for all your blessings and prayers. May God continue to bless you and to give you the wealth of health to help others like you have done for me.” - Amanda Gurg, USA remote client
“Thank you for such a powerful and supportive session. I am so grateful for your gifts, words and support. I know they have already made a difference.”-- Katia, USA/Mexico
"I can honestly say my life has changed for the better in a blink of an eye. I can not begin to express how grateful I am to you for giving me the tools I’ve been looking for my whole life. My session with you was amazing. You were point on, for the answers to the “why” I’ve been feeling certain things and experiencing the betrayal of people I consider friends, which was very insightful. My experiences of death from a very early age have never been explained until your session. It all makes perfect sense to me now. Getting answers to the “why” questions was the turning point for me. I’ve always felt that we are in actuality all things tied together. We are or have been either evil and good or combinations of both. We return life after life to learn these lessons from both sides of the Yin and Yang and to understand and raise our vibrations. I have been following your advice and doing the work you suggested, and am feeling much better. The anger outbursts have all but stopped and the few times it bubbles up I recognized it for what it is and why it came up again so I can reverse my feelings and actions. "—P.S., San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
“You are a true healer. I always feel blessed to be in your presence; you continually remind me of the Divine.
Chloe, thank you for the healing session. I definitely felt a shift during and after our session and there’s no doubt it had something to do with the positive results I received at my doctor’s appointment. Every little touch — from the music, crystals, rattle, feather, and even the cards for affirmations afterwards — created such a safe and sacred place for me. You are a beacon of light and love.” —K.M., USA
“Prior to working with Chloe, I’d always been curious about my past lives. While I’d had sessions with shamans, psychics, and energy healers, I’d never worked with anyone who is able to tap into past lives. Although I knew there was no guarantee that Chloe would be able to access anything about my past, my intuition told me to give it a go - and I’m so glad I did. My sessions with Chloe cleared energy blocks and provided valuable insights about my past (and present) that have helped me to better understand myself and my purpose in the present. She is a gifted healer and I’d highly recommend her to anyone."—DM, Digital Nomad
“La intensa sanación que recibí de Chloe me ayudó a abrirme a los traumas y al dolor de vidas pasadas y a despejar el karma para que mi vida actual pueda progresar sin seguir cargando con las cargas del pasado. Me siento más ligero y libre para continuar mejor el viaje de esta vida como Trabajador de la Luz. Me sentí rodeada por una luz dorada sanadora. En los días y noches posteriores, experimenté vívidos sueños y visiones que me ayudaron a procesar el dolor del pasado y me prepararon para el trabajo que estaba por venir. Recomiendo encarecidamente esta experiencia de sanación a cualquiera, especialmente a todos los Trabajadores de la Luz, Semillas Estelares e Índigos”.
— CP, Enfermera Registrada
“I had two extraordinary sessions that opened up my soul secrets that I always felt but couldn’t pull together. Chloe opened the doors. and opened my heart. I lost my fear of physical abuse and allowed my vulnerability to be honored and blessed. Thank you Chloe. You have been a gift to me. I knew when I read your book before the sessions my life would be altered.”—Artist, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
"Chloe radiates soothing energy. She demonstrates clearly the ability to communicate with Spirits. She heals, encourages and speaks from her heart. I am grateful to have met her and to witness her abilities empirically."—K.H., San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
“Wow! Your ability to tap into my past life and clear the stabbing wound literally feels like you removed a knife from my stomach! I feel like I just had an amazing, empowering energy transformation. Thank you for providing a relaxing and safe environment for my energy soul healing. I am amazed that you could channel such powerful energy. I feel like I can now understand and move past my karmic struggle in that lifetime." —A.J. USA
Please Leave a Review About Your Healing Sessions
Happy to announce a NEW SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM for Chloe Kemp Wisdom Keeper's REMOTE HEALING SESSIONS.
Very grateful for all of you that can pay full price; you are helping someone who is not as fortunate, to receive a healing 🙏🏻
You must submit a scholarship application to be considered. Chloe’s intention is to select one person each month to receive a 50% discount for her healing session.